суббота, 29 октября 2011 г.

Penis Enlargement – a century’s year old practice

Penis enlargement practices have been going on for centuries. There is documentation, with African tribes, of it going back as far as 2000 years ago.

Yet the idea of actually being able to enlarge a online pharmacy viagra has come into effect in the last 20-30 years with medically backed development of penis traction devices, proven penis exercises programs and, even, surgical procedures.

Two thousand years ago, men looking to enlarge their penis used manual methods like hanging weights. Polynesian men used a more advanced method for penis enlargement, using a woven sleeve to increase their penis length. Other than these methods, the types of instruments used to encourage penis growth were risky and extremely hazardous.

Fortunately, alternative methods have come into use. Developments have been made that can transform the penis, making it thicker and longer.

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